Chris McCully


Michael Schmidt One of the most important and long-standing links I have is with Carcanet Press, whose Managing Director (and the editor of PN Review) is Michael Schmidt. The image (right; photo: Fergus Wilde) shows how Michael treats his authors. Another more recent link is with the Muscaliet Press, which was established in Essex by Simon Everett ( Muscaliet recently published a short volume of travel essays (Four Places, 2018) and in 2021, a collection of 10-line prose-poems, The English Funerals. Two of my contributions to the Muscaliet-inspired Quarantine Notebooks (2020) also appear, together with these and other titles, on the Muscaliet website.

Carcanet has published eight of my volumes of poems and/or translations, Time Signatures, 1993; Not Only I, 1996; The Country of Perhaps, 2003­, together with Old English Poems and Riddles (2008), Polder, (July, 2009),
the Selected Poems (2011) and Serengeti Songs (2016). In 2018, Carcanet Classics published Beowulf: A Translation and a Reading, which includes an extensive 'Afterword' on the text and the process of translation. At present I'm preparing for Carcanet the final typescript of what will be a volume of collected poems, which in turn will include a new collection of original pieces (provisional title A Few Late Wasps: Collected Poems 1982-2022). I've also contributed essays and reviews to PN Review for many years (since 1984) as Chris McCully and C.B. McCully.

Until 2017 Chris was one of the Directors of the Modern Literary Archives Project (MLAP) in the John Rylands University Library, Manchester. The MLAP is a very significant repository of literary archives, including the archives of Norman Nicholson, dom sylvester houédard, Grevel Lindop, and many others (including the papers of one Chris McCully). The archives of PN Review and Critical Quarterly are part of the collections. In truth there are very few 20th and 21st century poets whose work isn't represented in some way in the MLAP, and the remit of the project also extends to important collections of material relating to film (the Robert Donat archive) and modern and contemporary art. The MLAP is partly searchable (given the extent of the material, cataloguing the papers, and turning them into electronically searchable links, will take a lifetime). Find out more here about all the literary archives of the John Rylands Library.



Chris's recent and current poetry

Academic and other prose

Academic and other prose

Details of a selection of Chris's prose work, including academic books and articles as well as travel and environmental writing.



Details of Chris's fishing publications

Chris's books - a chronological list

Chris's books - a chronological list

A chronological listing of all Chris's book titles

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